Does anyone have a copy of Newick’s Cheers Project book that they would be willing to lend or lease? I saw one on Amazon for a lot of money, but now it is gone.
I have a copy that I should soon get back from the man to whom I lent it. Once I have it, I’ll ask for your postal address.
I’m sorry JAK I don’t have any spare copies of PROJECT CHEERS. I think my dad and Tom Follett would be amazed that there is demand still for the book.
In the meantime, if you want a CHEERS postcard check out my thread about getting two for free.
Halsted Morris
Re. cheers book: I got my hands on the book only after going through inter-libarary loan. I would have preferred to buy a copy but there were no copies available on any of internet book sites. I instead photocopied parts of it. It took about three weeks to get it and it came from the LIbrary of Congress of all places. John
What parts did you photocopy?? Just curious.
Its been 3-4 years ago now so I Don’t exactly remember. It is a slim book and really just an overview of the project. I had tracked down the book in hopes of gleaning some techincal info regarding the Cheers construction, performance and handling. But it was mostly generalites. So though it was interesting reading there was not a lot of deeply informitive nuggets regarding the above. Tom Follet wrote a significant part of the book relating his experiance sailing the boat. He seems to be one of those kind of indomitable,unflappable characters who if he sailed through the eye of a hurricane would give it one, terse sentance. “A bit windy past few days but going like gangbusters- bit hard to sleep though”. So if there were any significant problems or deficenies he was not inclinded to elaborate on them. (Think antithesis of Francis Chickester) the only problem I can remember him complaining about was having to stand up in the hatchway all the time while helming. There are line drawings on the front and back pages of the original Cheers as designed, and the modified Cheers as sail in the OSTAR. So to answer your question directly, i definetly copied the front and back Drawings. beyond that I copied any pages that actually discussed the technical aspects of the boat and its preformance. However I’d say most of the book was taken up with narrative about arranging to build the boat etc etc etc. than the nuts and bolts of buiding and sailing it. John
Yeah, Tom was always the master of understatement…