Is ther any printing available of the painting of Cheers ?
Other printings and printable picturse on the web is also intersting. I need all inspiration I can get to help me keep aiming at my goal on a larger boat in the future.
( Have just ordered studyplans on the Disco Volante -> )
Email Bruce Alderson, the artist. He might have some. (link on the page)
Thanx, have already done that. but the m@iladdres was bounching.
Any other prints, or printable files on different proas would allso be appriciated!
My father was Jim Morris, he actually owned CHEERS. As a kid I sailed on her many times. I also helped build THREE CHEERS. My dad died in 1992.
My mom recently died too. Going through stuff at her house I have found a number of unpublished photos of CHEERS and THREE CHEERS. I hope that somehow I can scan some of these photos and maybe post some of them here. I also have a model of CHEERS, that is very accurate.
I find it interesting how big a following CHEERS has on the internet. She was a fun boat to sail, but a real hand full too.
Dick’s CHEERS design was way ahead of its time.
Halsted Morris
Hi Halsted, welcome to the Forum. Yes indeed, CHEERS has a big fan club! If you do get the photos scanned, please DO post them, we’d all love to see more of old No. 41. I see you found the CHEERS folder, please post them there!
Hello Halsted,
I’m sorry to hear about the losses in your family, but also very much looking forward to seeing the photo’s of Cheers.
The book Cheers inspired me to build proa’s. I started in the 70’s and in fact sailed to St Croix on my first Proa.
I’m guessing that you spent some time there if you helped build Cheers.
Are you in touch with Dick Newick? I’ll bet that he would like to hear from you and see some of the photo’s.
All the best,
Russell Brown
Yes, my family spent a lotof time in St. Croix. In 67’ the Newick/Morris families took a month long cruise down the windward and leeward islands on Dick’s 40’ catamaran AY-AY.
My sister and I are still in contact with Dick & Pat Newick. Dick just got back to the Hawaiian islands. He was on a boat (his design) that lost its mast in a blow. I believe Dick is over 80 years old. Not many 80+ year olds are out doing blue water sailing. 😉
I will try and post some photos of CHEERS and THREE CHEERS here, but it will take me some time.
Halsted Morris
In Youtube is a vid about multihulls from the 60th. At 7:30 min is a short clip of CHEERS in action shown.
L’apparition des premiers multicoques dans les annĂ©es 60
Is ther any printing available of the painting of Cheers ?
Other printings and printable picturse on the web is also intersting. I need all inspiration I can get to help me keep aiming at my goal on a larger boat in the future./Gunnar
Hi guys,
My sister and I have been cleaning out my mother’s house. There is a lot of CHEERS and THREE CHEERS related stuff.
I found 71 postcards of this painting of CHEERS by Bruce Alderson. They are 10 X 15 cm in size.
I will never use 71 postcards and it seems to be a waste to just leave them in a box.
So, how about if you want two of them, send me a stamped self-addressed envelope (minimum 10 X 15 cm size). For overseas readers send me your address and we’ll work out the postage later….
Remember 2 postcards per person, while the supply lasts.
So, send me your envelopes to:
Halsted Morris
867 Hill and Dale Road, Unit A
Golden, CO
Halsted Morris
69 postcards remaining.
Hello Halsted,
I would really like a couple of those postcards. The print I have on the bulkhead on Jzerro is a bit worse for wear, so I’ll send an envelope.
I have 67 as of today.
65 as of today….
I still have plenty of postcards….
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I still have a lot of postcards…
I have 62 postcards still