A Mystery Proa

04 February 2024     Editor    16 Comments.

The first post of 2024 brings us a mystery! Google maps satellite image of coordinates 46.953458,-122.647452 in Yelm WA, US, reveals an object of curious size and configuration. At 110’ in length, it appears to be a gigantic proa!

Low-res images notwithstanding, we see a copy (more or less), of a traditional Pacific proa such as the Fijian ndrua or Samoan alia. However the streamlined “pod” shape of the akas (cross beams) certainly are not. Is this indeed a proa and not some agricultural implement common to the region that we are anthroproamorphizing? See what I did there?

Does anyone have more info on this strange, proa-like google image? I am extremely tempted to go investigate, since I am no doubt the nearest proanut to Yelm.

Much thanks to Fulgencio G. for the submission!

X marks the spot.

 Reports  Proas


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  • “Anthroproamorphizing?”  Stop.  Just stop.  It’s not funny.

    2024-02-05 18:08 | by Aerohydro

    • Actually, it's both mid-brow brilliant and hilarious!
      2024-03-02 06:57 | by Mitchell Hay

  • Hi this looks very proa-like but when I
    go to look at Google maps he has
    disappeared! Which raises the
    interesting question, has he been
    launched? Surely someone would have
    noticed such a boat? I will look on Bing.

    2024-02-13 13:25 | by Topher Dawson

    • Alas, Topher, the proa is indeed gone. I can't imagine such a large vessel escaping the eye of locals as it travels. The mystery deepens.
      2024-02-13 21:42 | by Editor

  • Hello, I have discovered something! Go to the site on Bing Maps and
    touch bird sight. You will see the proa building!!

    2024-02-14 05:02 | by Fulgencio García

    • Good catch Fulgencio! The Bing image is quite a bit higher resolution than google and at a better angle for viewing. I've uploaded it to the gallery. This proa is like Schrödinger's cat, is it there or is it not there? Is there a way to know the date on which the satellite images were taken?
      2024-02-14 12:21 | by Editor

  • Goggle Earth has a history feature. Craft was there 8/2020
    disappeared thereafter.

    2024-02-15 05:59 | by Skip

  • Another crazy attempt to create a modern
    stylish Proa, which will break into pieces,
    when facing the first severe wave.
    A similar design with a quarter bowl
    cockpit instead of amas ( see dolphin
    proa ) ended Up in the mouth of rhine
    river, when the aka took a different way.

    2024-05-04 07:50 | by Dieter

  • That is a very ambitious project! Is ther any further news?

    2024-08-04 09:55 | by Simon