WWII drop tank multihulls

22 May 2021     Editor    3 Comments.

Did you know that American airmen stationed in the Pacific built drop-tank multihull racers during WWII? Well now you do. Thanks to Paul D. for the submission. Article in French.

Pappy Boyington Rides a Belly Boat


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  • This brings back memories of a neighbor who got a 1960s drop tank to make a mini-sub for scuba diving.  They lay in his backyard for a few years, enlivening boyhood imagination, before the project was dropped (no pun intended).  Years later the neighbor did train me me to scuba dive, anyway!

    2021-07-08 09:14 | by Wade Tarzia

  • There is at least one (IIRC more than one) in the Okinawa Oceanic
    Culture museum, worth a visit if you get a chance, though one or
    two of the reconstructions look a bit unlikely to my jaundiced eye.

    I took a lot of pictures but seem to have lost them. Heres the one on
    the website, which has built up gunnels on a drop-tank lower hull.
    Unclear from the picture where it gets its stability from, but IIRC
    some had sponsons flush with the hull


    2021-11-22 02:25 | by Ed Lithgow